Alice in Wonderland
Tokom ovog zimskog perioda sunce plus toplo vreme ( toplije) u mojoj glavi odmah stvara jednacinu cije je resenje setnja. Omiljena crna haljina jednostavnog kroja spada u moje "basic" komade koji su prakticni i lako se kombinuju prema raspolozenju i prilikama. Drzeci se crne kao osnovne boje dodajem par detalja sa trenutnim apsolutnim trendom nitnama.Ovo bi ujedno bio moj omiljeni trend ove sezone ( uspavano pankersko dete se raduje) I evo rezultata. During the winter time sun plus warm weather (warmer) in my head instantly creates equation whose solution is walk. Favorite simple cut black dress is one of my "basic" pieces that are practical and easy to combine in different moods and occasions. Adhering to the black as the base color I add a few details with the current trend of studdes and spikes.Spikes and studdes would also be my favorite trend this season ( punk kid deep inside me is very happy ) and here are the results. Dress Mark&Spencer_S...