January favorites

Januar sa sobom donosi praznike i slavlja, i jos jedan kalendar koji treba ispuniti i preziveti, novogodisnje rezolucije i naravno snizenja . Ovo poslednje bi nekako bilo moj januarski favorit. Nije da sam preterano odusevljena velikm guzvama u trznim centrima i prodavnicama jer su one u ovo doba godine zaista pretrpane. Ali to ima i svojih prednosti. Onaj osecaj da smo svi povezani praznicima i potragom za nekom novom stvari koja bi bila bas "ta savrsena " i upotpunila nas garderober. Uspela sam da naucim( nije bilo lako) da ne kupujem nepotrebne stvari koje mi se dopadnu na prvi pogled. Trudim se ( samokontrola ,jel te)da pronadjem komade koji su upecatljivi i koji ce trajati iz sezone u sezonu. Ovo je moj januarski ulov.

December and January bring holidays and celebrations, and even a brand new calendar that should be filled out and survive, and of course New Year's resolutions. And discounts and bargains. The last  would be my kind of January's favorite. Not that I'm overly impressed with  crowds in the malls and stores . But it has its advantages. The feel that we are all connected to holidays and the search for some new things that would have been just "the perfect" and complement our wardrobe. I managed to learn (not easy) not to buy unnecessary things that appeal to me at first glance. I try (self-control) to find pieces that are striking and will last from season to season. This is my January's catch.

                                                      Balmain sweater 

    Patrizia Pepe buterfly and Patrizia Pepe gloves

       And another Patrizia Pepe buterfly I can`t resist , they are awesome

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