
Showing posts from September, 2011

summer in fall

Nije me bilo dve sedmice jer  nisam stizala da se odvojim od lap topa i crtanja,posla i tako u krug.Ali kada me je put naveo da posetim po prvi put ekskluzivnu marinu Porto Montenegro u Tivtu iskoristila sam priliku i za fotkanje. Ovo je definitivno nova IN destinacija u komsiluku koja  privlaci u Tivat kapetane ,posadu ,velike jahte kao i turiste i transformise grad u jednu od vodecih destinacija plavog Jadrana. Marina je zamisao multimilionera Pitera Manka ,koji se nada da ce njegovi planovi to podrucje pretvoriti u glamurozno i ekonomsko zariste koje ce biti velika konkurencija rivalima kao sto su Monako,Kan i Portofino.Kompleks je podeljen u pet manjih celina pod imenima : Teuta,Ozana,Zeta,Tara i Milena.Projekat je ambiciozno sastavljen i u njegovom sadrzaju se nalazi i 185 vezova koji su skoro popunjeni i rekreativnim sadrzajima kao i soping centrom ,statusom medjunarodne luke kao i kompletnim servisom za snabdevanje jahti svim mogucim potrepstinama. Ovog meseca u “Porto Montenegr

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Family Nature Clubs Update - September 2011

Hi Family Nature Clubbers! We hope you had a lovely summer and were able to spend lots of time outdoors with your family. We’d like to help you keep it up this fall! Read on for some updates and ideas… UW-Arboretum Earth Partnership for Families – Nature Play Day! Sunday, September 25 • 12:30 pm – 4 pm September family day at the Arboretum is all about playing in the woods. Children and adults will work together in the nature free-play area to build, discover, and explore. Let your imagination be the guide. Check in with the receptionist in the Visitor Center for directions to the free-play area. Look for other families from our first nature club, Madison Family Nature Club between 12:30-2:00. Visit Madison Family Nature Club on Facebook or email club leader Sandra for more information. More Upcoming Family Events September 22-25: Wisconsin Science Festival @ various locations September 24: Cranes of the World Festival @ International Crane Foundation September 25: Fall for Donal

Nature Net News - September 2011 - Wildflowers and Native Grasses

 "For myself I hold no preferences among flowers, s o long as they are wild, free, spontaneous." - Edward Abbey Dear Reader, Fall is upon us, but in these last warm days of summer, take a look at the wild beauty that blooms -- our native grasses and wildflowers. Native plants and wildflowers grow naturally and are deemed "native" because they existed in forests and prairies before pioneer cultivation. Native plants and wildflowers play important roles in the local ecosystems. For example, prairie grasses have deep root systems that help keep soil from eroding and soak up lots of water. This is why many rain gardens (gardens designed to keep runoff from buildings or roads from washing away the local ecosystem) feature native prairie plants! Learn more about these natural wonders in this edition of Nature Net News today! Enjoy, Kathe, Sarah & Brenna The Folks at Nature Net Did You Know..... The seed of the Indian Paintbrush is so tiny, that several hand

Fabric Shopping!

We had a crazy trip to Birmingham yesterday on a mission to buy some rainbow fabrics for some new projects!! After searching online for fabrics I decided that i needed to see, feel and smell?? what i was buying : ) I had been eying up lots of lovely fabrics on Cotton Patches website so we decided to take a trip to civilisation to see what we could find. Well as you can see from the photo we did well!! The shop is fantastic and we spent hours (alot of hours) perusing and mixing and matching and deciding and oohing and aahing and the staff are all so very helpful it really is a great shop with great service - and one day i will make a quilt very inspiring - but for now, new rainbows to make!

Black Belgrade 2020

Pretpostavljam da ste se i vi kao i ja zapitali sta nam donosi buducnost. Sta nas ocekuje sutra ? Iduce godine ? Za par godina ?  Masa Dojcinovic alijas MissLu o kojoj sam vec pisala na blogu u postu Masin svet nas vodi u Beograd 2020 -te godine .Ona vidi Beograd buducnosti sa dominatnom crnom bojom jer nova crna je crna.A njenu mocnu i jako upecatljivu kolekciju mozete nositi vec sada.Zena  Masine kolekcije je zavodljiva i jaka i dobro zna sta zeli a opet je nezna i osecajna.Masina zena je kraljica . I suppose that you    also  like me  wondered   what   the future holds .  What   awaits us   tomorrow?   Next year ?  In a few   years?One person has an answer  : Masa  Dojcinovic   alias  MissLU     which I have   already   written   a blog   in a post   Masin   world   leads us   to Belgrade   in the year   2020 . She sees the   future of   Belgrade   with   predominantly   black   because   black   is the   new   black.  I ts   powerful   and very   impressive  collection,   but   now

A little bit of my space a litlle bit of new staffs ..

Omiljeni deo kuce za mene je naravno moja soba.Posto nema direktno suncevo svetlo posluzila sam se jednim malim trikom obojila sam zidove u zuto tako da mi soba tokom cele godine deluje toplo ,svetlo i usukano.Najveci deo moje sobe cini ormar sa 5 krila ( nisam ih jos sva popunila ali radim na tome :p ) i krevet ususkan velikim brojem sarenih i raznobojnih jastuka.I naravno police za knjige jer sam strastveni citac.Veliku kolekciju knjiga iz oblasti arhitekture ,dizajna ,mode i fotografije sam morala da preselim u radni prostor tako da su mi na dohvat ruke samo klasici i beletrisitka.( Omiljene knjige su mi romansirane istorije i knjige o dvorovima i desavanjima na njima recimo dinastija Medicija )Tu je i posebno cebence i loptice za mog novog prijatelja Rexa :-) i mirisljave svece i ulja...Zavirite sada sa mnom u moj svet . Favorite   part of   home   for me , of course is    my room   .There is    no   direct sunlight but    I   served   a   little   trick   I   painted   the walls i