
Showing posts from February, 2009

Claraluna's Cloud

I have finished my rainbow, which I will be using for a postcard design. Also as a logo on my labels and magnets etc. I just love this photo of it, its on a great angle and really captures the Claraluna clouds gold lining signature! I am off to civilisation this weekend : ) But my shop will be open and I am fast approaching my 100th sale!!!!! There will be a few goodies for that special customer.

'Jazzy Swirly Whirly'

My latest felted offering has a story to tell. My partner has a daughter from a previous relationship, its complicated : ( and she doesn't really know who he is. Every birthday, Christmas, Easter and whenever we are back in the area he takes her presents and trys to visit. So its her birthday this week so I wanted to make a special something as a present from us all. She is 12 so i thought some swirly felted beads would be quite funky, I was feeling the need for pink & blue, but had a look at colour trends for spring09 and pink and turquoise were there so PERFECT! My first felted spirals were made! I have named the bracelet 'Jazzy Swirly Whirly' after Jasmine, and plan to make some more for my shop. I hope she gets her presents, and await the day she comes to find her dad....and wow what a dad he is! It makes me so so sad to think of the 9 years they have missed together.

'Rainbow Bubbles'

I finally finished my felted bead necklace. It has been named 'Rainbow Bubbles' as it is quite a statement piece, 40 hand felted ( by moi) 2cm beads in a huge spectrum of colour! I have added some detail using contemporary silver bead caps, small silver beads and some smooth glass cube beads which really contrast with the softness of the wool beads. I am so happy with it I almost slept in it last night!!! : )

Button It

My latest treasury on Etsy - Button It. I have been getting a bit carried away with Etsy treasuries just lately, I stayed up a bit too late waiting for this one!! I ♥ buttons and have a big collection just waiting for me to do something with them. I sometimes use them on my hairslides, but love the idea of making a big button collage/mosaic piece of art. There are some funky examples of using buttons in your work in my treasury!

"Kaleidoscopic Confetti"

This is "Kaleidoscopic Confetti" my latest 3D felt offering : ) It is a functional art piece, a vessel or bowl (not for soup though!!) It was wet felted around a ball, with a fantastic mix of fibres and small cut out felt pieces. I have listed it in my Etsy shop but I am so in love with it....I want to keep it : ) I love 'playing around' with different fibres, and I had lots of fun making this! Loads of sparkling angelina fibres, sari, tussah and mulberry silk, wenselydale curls, merino/silk blend, gold thread, pre felted cutouts and craft felt 'confetti'

Felted Beads

Over the last couple of weeks I have been making a few felt beads everytime I got a spare few moments! I now have quite a large collection, in a rainbow of colours! These are destined to be a bold necklace as a pressie to myself : ) I have ordered some lovely beads & bead caps to go with them, unfortunatly I paid by e-cheque for these supplies so I have been waiting AGES!!!!!! Maybe if it works well, I will make some for my shop too. They would be great to go with my felted bracelets. ........ so watch this space for the finished piece : )

Fluffy Heaven

We braved the winter weather and had a 'family' day out to the merino wool suppliers! It's rather like a colourful and fluf fy heaven!! My little girl Rio loved it as much as me, she filled a couple of bags for herself...bless. Anyway my special feltmaking mixes are now back in stock. (Don't worry they are not the bags she made)

Happy Valentines

I love Valentines, love and hearts, and chocolate and wine mmmm ♥ Wishing you all a L O V E ly day ♥ My 'Rainbow Heart' is featured in this fab treasury today called !!!Rainbow Explosion!!! by aloverandafighter

The End of the Rainbow

Check out this story and photo's of the end of the rainbow!

Surfing with Sirens

Well I wish I was! This is the title of my latest treasury, inspired by Nemetons Caribbean Surf Collar - one amazing piece of work! Not much more to report today really, only I am off on a fluff finding mission tomorrow! Yorkshire here I come : )

Sharing the Magic!

I had this amazing "appreciation photo" on Etsy from a lovely customer wearing one of my Rainbow Hairclips ! This is my first photo from a customer - and wow it's great!! A totally gorgeous, fellow rainbow fan : ) I have had a few lovely messages from customers, but I was very touched by her 'rainbow story' as it is so similar to mine. We have both sadly lost our Mum's recently and experience the same magical rainbows at special moments. It feels great that I am not the only one who has this uplifting experience -it's hard to explain to someone who hasn't lost someone special! And wow.... it makes me feel so happy in my work to know my rainbows actually make a difference. I know I always feel better after a bit of "Rainbow Therapy". It's just great to know, through my art and love of rainbows I can make a little difference to peoples lives ! : )

2nd Christmas

Today we are going to our friends for a belated Christmas dinner : ) We are all very excited and to top it off we have woken up to a covering of snow!! HOORRAAYY While the whole UK seems to have been buried in snow, Middle of Nowhere, Mid Wales seems to have escaped. So today does feel like Christmas, Anthony & Rio are making mince pies for the 'boys' mince pie competition and we are in the midddle of a winter wonderland! ♥ On a more colourful note I made a "Rainbow Treasury" in thanks to my Etsy customers for an amazing week of rainbow magic, more about that tomorrow................................

Hot Pink & Black ♥

Hot Pink & Black have been my thing today!! I made this felted soap called "Valentines Euphoria" which I think looks so funky..... So while i was loving pink and black I made this treasury "Get Sexy with ETSY" hehehehe ♥

Totey Tote Tote

So I made my tote, not exactly to plan.. due to lack of planning on the technical side of things...whoops!! I ended up sewing the design to an 'upcycled' t shirt then cutting it out and glueing it to the bag. It works though, I will be thoroughly testing this one before I contemplate selling them. It has a special little pocket for my business cards and I love it. I had to leave out the rainbow heart raindrops though : (

Tote Making

I bought a gorgeous blank jute shopping tote a while ago from a fab local shop, and today I finally got round to making a start on the design. As you can see the plan is to have a big rainbow coming in from the left, a funky white cloud with rainbow heart rain and a secret little pocket in the cloud to put my business cards! I have, as usual jumped straight in with the design and not quite worked out the logistics of the making!! Hoping to work it out tonight : )