'Jazzy Swirly Whirly'

My latest felted offering has a story to tell.
My partner has a daughter from a previous relationship, its complicated : ( and she doesn't really know who he is. Every birthday, Christmas, Easter and whenever we are back in the area he takes her presents and trys to visit. So its her birthday this week so I wanted to make a special something as a present from us all. She is 12 so i thought some swirly felted beads would be quite funky, I was feeling the need for pink & blue, but had a look at colour trends for spring09 and pink and turquoise were there so PERFECT! My first felted spirals were made!

I have named the bracelet 'Jazzy Swirly Whirly' after Jasmine, and plan to make some more for my shop. I hope she gets her presents, and await the day she comes to find her dad....and wow what a dad he is! It makes me so so sad to think of the 9 years they have missed together.

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