Sharing the Magic!

I had this amazing "appreciation photo" on Etsy from a lovely customer wearing one of my Rainbow Hairclips!
This is my first photo from a customer - and wow it's great!! A totally gorgeous, fellow rainbow fan : )
I have had a few lovely messages from customers, but I was very touched by her 'rainbow story' as it is so similar to mine.
We have both sadly lost our Mum's recently and experience the same magical rainbows at special moments. It feels great that I am not the only one who has this uplifting experience -it's hard to explain to someone who hasn't lost someone special!
And wow.... it makes me feel so happy in my work to know my rainbows actually make a difference. I know I always feel better after a bit of "Rainbow Therapy". It's just great to know, through my art and love of rainbows I can make a little difference to peoples lives ! : )

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