
Showing posts from October, 2008

Another Clara Luna Rainbow

Another Clara Luna Rainbow Originally uploaded by therainbowroom Managed to get some great photos of my mini Christmas stockings! and surprise........ another rainbow, they look great altogether like this. i am really happy with these : ) Well its Halloween today and i have spent most of the day finishing the halloween fairy costume for my daughter and baking cakes for the party, which was a great success although Rio was slightly scared by all the witches and monsters!

Oscar The Owl

Here is my little chunky owl all sewn up, who i have named Oscar! I am very happy with him and would love to make a plush Oscar too, I do hope i wil be able to squeeze that in over the next few weeks! The sun came out today so I was able to get a few photos of my mini felt stockings and my christmas card felt illustration. I have been working with those today and hoping to get those sorted ready to start listing the stockings on etsy and getting the cards off to be printed. I have also been trying to make a little halloween costume for my daughter, which i have found harder than i expected - hope that falls into place... we have a party to go to tomorrow!

Chunky Little Owl

Chunky Little Owl Originally uploaded by therainbowroom Along with alot of other things i have been trying to make a little owl for my daughters friends birhtday card, he loves birds and we love owls. This is my first attempt at any little creatures, he is quite a chunky little fellow, we shall see what he looks like all stitched up! Still waiting for a sunny day so i can get some good photos of my mini felt christmas stockings!

Roses for Remembering

These are the finished felted flowers i have been making, they are for my mum on the 2 year anniversary of her death : ( She would love these dozen needle felted roses, specially made in her favourite colours. I miss my mum so much, she was an amazing mum and so enthusiastic about me and my work.

Getting there!

What a mess! Well working progress and hooray i have cracked the Christmas stockings i wanted to make. Little felt stockings just big enough for one of my small hairslides to fit inside or something else equally as fab! i have managed to make 6 today after the 8 experimental ones! So busy busy. I will be putting these in my etsy shop and selling some locally too. i just need to get on with the i pod covers now. I was asked by a friend if i made a wet felted one a while ago so will try a get that done next. Its on my long to do list! : ) And i am feeling Christmasssy now Anthony has got a whole week off at Christmas - which is a miracle!

Sewing machines aaaarrggghhhh

What is it with sewing machines ? Sometimes they just do what you want no problems...but then they just won't do what you want without getting all tangled and messy and eating your fabric and thread and aaarrrgghhh.................... will try again tomorrow because things were looking good, my little experiments looked like they were coming together how i had hoped. Just need to get my head around the sewing machine again! Wish i could post some photos now but its too dark, will try tomorrow. I have finished sewing ( BY HAND) my felt mask for the haloween party, i think its fab, but i have that something not quite right feeling but not sure what it is so any tips for improvement most welcome! And I treated myself to a little rainbow of threads too!

Busy busy busy

I have been busy doing, over the last couple of days, as much as you can do with a 3 year old running around the place! I have made a special brooch card for my step-sister's birthday, i am really happy with it but it took some getting right, my white felt is a bit thin compared to the rest. I have also finished my christmas card felt illustration - and wow i am seriously happy with it, but its not christmas yet, and i wouldn't want to spoil it for all of you so here is just a little taster! i have also been cutting some rainbow stripes for some i pod covers and christmas stockings i have been planning for, forever to make, i still have a lot to do but hope to get it done this christmas! OOOH i have also been making a little mask for a Halloween party, will try and finish that tonight and get some photos tomorrow.

Soaps and spa's!

I am so very happy today i have had another sale on etsy, one of my felted heart soaps. : ) wooohoooo!!!!!!!!! i also had the most fantastic day with friends yesterday, we went to a local country club and swam , jacuzzied, had a sauna and went in the steam room. Our daughters are great friends and they played in the pool for 2 hours - bless. We then had an amazing meal of taco's, drank good wine and stopped in their gorgeous holiday cottage with log fire - what a top day! i know i am talking about things i said i wouldn't whoops, its just great when you just have one of those perfect days! Back to life in the rainbow room, nearly finished my christmas card design, just debating whether to put the little stars on .... then i must finish my felted roses and take some photos when it stops raining! I have got soooooo much i want to make at the moment.

Butterfly Day

Today we all had a day off and we had a lovely family day out! We visited a local butterfly house where we saw some fantastic butterflies and some great flowers too. I particularly loved the Coral Hibiscus flower and well all the butterflies!!! Although it was my day off, my brain was ticking all the time and i found it very inspiring. But hey who needs felt hair clips, when you can wear a real butterfly on your head!?! We also visited a couple of exhibitions one was far too 'fine art' for me and the other was wildlife photographer of the year. WOW such amazing photos and such amazing animals! I found the owl photos particularly inspiring, might have to make some little owls they are fantastically magical creatures.

Designing a Christmas card.

I have been working on this felt picture for a Christmas card design, i have a lot more work to do, stitching and adding more details. The plan was to have 'merry christmas' in decorative writing over the top but not quite decided on that yet. I am really enjoying this larger project. Oh ....And thanks to Kayla coo for including me in her 'shopping list saturday'
Ahhh a little rainbow to brighten the day, the world is all a bit doom and gloom at the mo so i am feeling the need to see lots of colour and especially rainbows! I have been making a some beautiful felted roses, which i will be posting photos of soon(when they are finished) apart from that photos, accounts, listing on etsy and being a full time mum are all keeping me busy. I really need to start a big new project - a huge wall piece - i think, lots of love and colour! I have just sorted through the etsy shop lowering all the prices due to a big change in the exchange rate! bfn

Blogs and Goodies!

Got all my goodies from vistaprint, and really chuffed with it all. lovely notecards, postcards, labels, business cards etc etc I think they look great! : ) I have also been featured in macsoapy's blog, who's work i have admired for years, so Danke! If you want to have a peek here's the link.

Rainbow of Soaps

Th ese are my heart silky soaps all labelled up, its taken most of my day to sort these out. Have been fitting it in around alphabet puzzles, dog walking and cooking, i was quite lucky not to burn the house down really! I am so so so pleased with these and my attention to spectrum detail : ) This is the purpley one...oooohhhh

Rainbow Soaps Felted in Merino/Silk Blend

Rainbow Soaps Felted in Merino/Silk Blend Originally uploaded by therainbowroom I have been busy making felted soaps for my Etsy shop. i have hand felted these with a merino and silk blend so these are super special!! I couldn't resist another rainbow either! I have posted my first etsy sale with a few special goodies for my first customer. More about special goodies next time!