Busy busy busy

I have been busy doing, over the last couple of days, as much as you can do with a 3 year old running around the place!
I have made a special brooch card for my step-sister's birthday, i am really happy with it but it took some getting right, my white felt is a bit thin compared to the rest.
I have also finished my christmas card felt illustration - and wow i am seriously happy with it, but its not christmas yet, and i wouldn't want to spoil it for all of you so here is just a little taster!

i have also been cutting some rainbow stripes for some i pod covers and christmas stockings i have been planning for, forever to make, i still have a lot to do but hope to get it done this christmas!
OOOH i have also been making a little mask for a Halloween party, will try and finish that tonight and get some photos tomorrow.

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