Girl with Red Hat

Crnu i belu boju jako volim. Kao i kombinacije ove dve boje a ako se pomesaju kao neodoljive tufnice ili smele prugice dobijate materijal za modnu igru. U slucaju prugica i prolecni modni trend. A mozete se kao i ja odluciti za neku belu majcu sa zanimljivim printom gradeci vas crno beli svet oko nje. A ja sam moj zacinila crvenim sesirom za kojim sam dugo tragala i koji sam sasvim slucajno nasla i ljubav je rodjena. Lep dan vam zelim

I love Black and White color very much. As well as combinations of these two colors.  If they are mixed in bold stripes or adorable polka dot it is a winning combination . In the case of stripes they are ultmate spring fashion trend. My other choices are  white shirts with interesting prints.And I ma   building up my black and white world around them. And I spice up my  black & white combo with red hat for which I was searching for a long time and I accidently entered one store and love was born.Have a nice day :)

skirt Zara_shirt Yoko Ono foundation for Zara_jacket Mona_har Iblues_necklace Six_ring Silver _bag Zara_boots Zara 

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