These days I can`t resist

These days I can`t resist ...vegeterian food, bubble tea, some chocolate ( small dose ), sushi time with my best friend, neon shoes and ear cuffs, total black look and my beautiful city ( Belgrade Serbia). And a large dose of fashion magazines and beauty and make up products .(last sales)
All these images are taken by my samsung galaxy S II and instagram so you can follow me by my name @ivana_acimic.

Ovih dana ne mogu da odolim vegetarijanskoj hrani, cokoladi u malim kolicinama, vremenu koje provodim sa najdrazim prijateljima obicno uz susi, neonskim cipelama koje su dizajnirali arhitekte 
( United Nude), trendu ear cuff mindjusa,crnom od glave do pete sa prstohvatom nitni. Prelepom Beogradu koji volim oduvek. Modnim magazinima i naravno  poslednjim snizenjima . Sve slike su nastale telefonom samsung galaxy S II i provucene su kroz instagram aplikaciju pa ako zelite mozete me pratiti pod imenom @ivana_acimic.

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