Mist in old town

Danas sam imala prilike da zbog obaveza dodjem u Kotor i uzivam u ovom divnom i danas  maglovitom gradicu. Volim da prosetam starim gradom Kotorom i zamislim neko drugo vreme i obicaje. A danas je grad bio posebno lep i neobican  sa maglom koja se kao pena spustala sa visokih planina a Kotor nekako sakriven i ususkan u njihovom podnozju.Iskoristila sam priliku da procunjam  soping centrom "Kamelija" i isporbam bubble tea sa ukusom kokosa i jagode (Brooklyn taste). 

Today I had the opportunity to come in  Kotor and enjoy this beautiful little town, and misty today. I love to walk around the old town of Kotor and imagine another time and customs. And today, the city was especially beautiful and unusual with fog that descended as the foam from the high mountains and Kotor somehow hidden away under them .I also visited  shopping mall "Camellia" and tried bubble tea flavored with coconut and strawberry (Brooklyn taste).

T-shirt Zara_skirt Sineqanone_coat Nikolas_boots Zara_bag MMM&HM_necklace Pull&Bear_

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