At my home ready to go

Brzinski post pre nego sto izadjem na zimu i hladnocu.Moja omiljena kombinacija crna sa malo crne i opet crne a njena dominacija razbijena velikim mekanim salom. Pletenice i pundja moje resenje za one momente kada zelite brzo da resite situaciju nestasne kose usled vetra i zime. Crvena masna u kosi i nove lakovane martinke i ja sam spremna da se suocim sa zimom. Ne volim je ali joj idalje strpljivo pruzam sansu da me ubedi da se predomislim.

Speed ​​post before I go out .My favorite combination of black with a little black and black again, her dominance broken  with big soft scarf. Braids and a bun My solution for those moments when you want to quickly resolve the situation cold:playful hair due to wind and cold. Red bow in  hair and a patent leather Doc Martens and I am ready to face the winter. I do not like winter but maybe she can  convince me to change my mind.

Skirt Mark & Spencer_Blouse Etro_JAcket D&G_Scarf Zara_boots DR.Martens

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