Flirting with autumn

Ove godine jesen je neocekivano toplo godisnje doba i ko joj moze odoleti ? Ja sigurno ne mogu i trudim se da svaki momenat koji ne moram da provedem uz Klik na racunaru provedem napolju setajuci sa svojim prijateljima ili svojim psima. Plus jesen nam donosi pregrst divnih boja koje opustaju i jedan od neodoljivih osecaja je kada pod vama susti tek opalo lisce od zute preko kajsija boje do vatreno crvenih nijansi. A modna jesen nam je ponudila veliki broj trendova i pravaca u kojima se mozemo poigravati i traziti. Veciti teksas je usao na velika vrata mode i samouvereno ostao na njoj a ako je jos upakovan u neobican kaput spanskog brenda Desigual neodoljiv je.

This year's autumn season is unexpectedly warm , and who can resist her? I certainly can`t, and I try to every moment that I don`t have to spend by the  Computer,spend out  with my friends or my dogs. Plus Fall brings a wealth of wonderful colors that relax and one of the irresistible sense is  when    fallen leaves crunching under the steps . A fall fashion has offered us a number of trends and directions in which we can play with and seek. Eternal denim is entered through the front door of fashion and remained confident on it . I choose awesome denim coat mady by my favorite Spanish brand Desigual .

Jeans Zara_coat Desigual_t shirt Zara (white) _t shirt Miss Sixty_ring scarf Mark &Spenecer_boots Miss Sixty_bag Tosca Blue_necklace Galliano

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