Pink Infusion

Ovog se meseca prolece uspesno igralo sa nama i nije nam dozvoljavalo da zapadnemo u dosadu,sarmiralo nas je preplitanjem kise i sunca, toplim i hladnim vremenom.I ako se do sada niste zaljubili u kisobrane pravo je vreme za to :D
Ali ja se ne predajem svoju omiljenu crnu boju doziram infuzijom Pink boje :-) Kombinujem suknju i patike sa nitnama i blejzer sa divnom ogrlicom Tijane Zunic :_) mix and Match 

This month spring is succesfully playing  game with us .Ande we are not allowed to fall into boredom.Spring charmed us with the interplay of sun and rain.And if you aren fallen in love with umbrellas  is it a right time for it ! NOw !
My favorite black color got pink infusion in pink color.:-) MIx and match ! Sneakers with skirt and blazer with beautiflu necklace made by Serbian fashion designer TIjana ZUnic :_) LOve it !

Blazer Zara, Skirt Anna Sui_bag Chanel_sneakers J.Richmond_Shirt Zara_ necklace TIjana ZUnic ( Serbian fashion designer )

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