City of the Roman Emperor Constantine NiS

Holidays and free days I spent in southern Serbia in my hometown Nis.As a kid I went from Nis,but there still lives my grandmother and friends.I often enjoy caming to my hometown.The city is fill with history and monuments.In this city was born Roman Emperor Constantine the Great.More about the city can be find HERE

Praznike i slobodne dane sam provela u rodnom gradu Nisu.Jako volim ovaj grad i njegovu istoriju.Upecatljiva istorijska cinjenica je da je rimski imperator Konstanin Veliki  takodje rodjen  u Nisu.Grad je ispunjen spomenicima i divnim mestima koja sapucu svoju pricu.Ovde se nalazi moja baka i prijatelji i ja se cesto rado vracam u ovaj grad iz kojeg sam otisla kao klinka.Leti uzivam u Jazz festivalu i  vreme ispunjavam setanjem kejom ili posetom filmskom festivalu a zimi uzivam i na samu pomisao da sam u svom rodnom gradu okruzena poznatim ulicama i mestima.Od prosle godine je ovaj grad bogatiji i za jedan lep shopping centar :-)

Takodje sam imala priliku da upoznam i divnu blogerku Natasu sa bloga nataly"s glamour amour

I met another blogger a gorgeous Natasa from this blog Natalys"glamour amour and we spent some great time :)

Dress Mark & Spencer_Jacket Miss Sixty_bag Marni for H&M_necklace Miss Sixty_Glasses Cassius_watch D&G_Bracelet Diesel_Sneakers John RIchmond

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