Nature Love

In the spirit of the day, here are a couple links that are romantic in nature. Enjoy!

  • Are you a serenader, or do you believe a little tough love goes a long way? Play eNature's Mating Game to see what species you most resemble in love.
  • Compare your wild dates with these bizarre nature love stories from the Nature Conservancy.
  • Check out these cute animal couples from National Geographic.
  • Despite the chill in the air, many species such as raccoons, minks, river otters, foxes, coyotes, and skunks are all taking time off from their mid-winter hunting to prowl for partners. Learn more from eNature.
  • Unlike many birds, who breed in the spring and summer, owls are looking for love during these long, cold nights - check it out!
  • Read about more local bird bonding with this romantic tale from the International Crane Foundation.
  • Stumped about what to give your mate? From perfume to silk to a romantic dinner, these BBC stories of love gifts from the animal kingdom might give you some ideas.
  • Share your love of nature with one of these beautiful nature e-cards!

Image: Photo © Flickr User: [s e l v i n]
Happy Valentine's Day from Nature Net!

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