Educators' Open House


Calling all K-12 teachers: be among the first to see the exciting new offerings at the Aldo Leopold Nature Center!

WHEN: Thursday, October 27, 2011 - come anytime from 4-6pm!

WHERE: Aldo Leopold Nature Center, Monona, WI

WHAT: Preview brand new hands-on, interactive educational exhibits designed to teach your students about climate science, renewable energy and sustainability! Bring the family and explore the exhibits together - view our planet as the astronauts see it with Science on a Sphere, see how global temperatures shape Earth's past, present and future with Global Warming Facts & Our Future, and discover the latest green innovations with the Madison Gas & Electric Renewable Energy Center.

Find out about new programming in the works and opportunities for fieldtrips, professional development and more. Enjoy teacher resources, free classroom materials, raffle prizes, coffee and cookies and more! Register to win one of three grand prizes, sign up to be one of the first to pilot our new programs, and learn how you can qualify for fieldtrip subsidies to the Aldo Leopold Nature Center.

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