
Showing posts from October, 2011

Virginia Satir Quotes

i like this quote, so i post it on my blog :) “I am Me. In all the world, there is no one else exactly like me. Everything that comes out of me is authentically mine, because I alone chose it — I own everything about me: my body, my feelings, my mouth, my voice, all my actions, whether they be to others or myself. I own my fantasies, my dreams, my hopes, my fears. I own my triumphs and successes, all my failures and mistakes.  Because I own all of me, I can become intimately acquainted with me. By so doing, I can love me and be friendly with all my parts. I know there are aspects about myself that puzzle me, and other aspects that I do not know — but as long as I am friendly and loving to myself, I can courageously and hopefully look for solutions to the puzzles and ways to find out more about me.  However I look and sound, whatever I say and do, and whatever I think and feel at a given moment in time is authentically me. If later some parts of how I looked, sound...

Your Feedback Needed! Wisconsin's Plan for Environmentally Literate and Sustainable Communities

Now is your chance to have a voice in the future of environmental education and sustainable communities in Wisconsin! We at Nature Net are excited about the new Wisconsin Plan for Environmentally Literate and Sustainable Communities , preliminarily released this month from the Wisconsin Environmental Education Board (WEEB), Wisconsin Environmental Education Foundation (WEEF) and the Wisconsin Association for Environmental Education (WAEE), in partnership with a range of individuals and organizations across the state. Building on Wisconsin's history of strong conservation ethic and environmental education leadership, this plan serves as a pathway for moving forward in developing an environmentally literate twenty-first century society comprised of sustainable communities. This encompassing proposal focuses on the knowledge, skills and attitudes of Wisconsinites at home, work, school and play, in promotion of healthy citizens and environment. (To read the plan, click here .) The p...

Rainbows and Chaos!

The chaos of my Rainbow Room.........packing up, labelling, crossing off things on the list, having a last minute panic (have I got enough stock?) It's that time again tomorrow I will be setting up my stand at Aberystwyth Arts Centre Winter Craft & Gift Fair! And the reward for all that hard work...... This beautiful rainbow!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Funky Fabric Flowers!

Been making loads of stock for my stand at the winter art and craft fair at Aberystwyth Arts Centre - which is why is been knda quiet around here!! But i had to share this photo I took today of my new hair slides, it's a crazy colour wheeel of funkyness!!!

Educators' Open House

EXCLUSIVE EDUCATOR SNEAK PEEK! Calling all K-12 teachers: be among the first to see the exciting new offerings at the Aldo Leopold Nature Center ! WHEN : Thursday, October 27, 2011 - come anytime from 4-6pm! WHERE: Aldo Leopold Nature Center , Monona, WI WHAT: Preview brand new hands-on, interactive educational exhibits designed to teach your students about climate science, renewable energy and sustainability! Bring the family and explore the exhibits together - view our planet as the astronauts see it with Science on a Sphere , see how global temperatures shape Earth's past, present and future with Global Warming Facts & Our Future , and discover the latest green innovations with the Madison Gas & Electric Renewable Energy Center . Find out about new programming in the works and opportunities for fieldtrips, professional development and more. Enjoy teacher resources, free classroom materials, raffle prizes, coffee and cookies and more! Register to win one of ...


Inspiracija se nalazi svuda oko nas .Samo treba obratiti paznju na male stvari koje nas okruzuju.Na sve te boje i mirise i trenutke koje provodimo sa voljenim osobama.Na trenutke kada stvaramo neke samo nase kreacije ili realizujemo planove i zelje .Na vrijeme koje provedemo druzeci se ili ne radeci nista bitno.Na sve sunceve zrake koje upijamo na kozi ,na sav vetar u kosi.Onda kada se prepustamo snovima i muzici ,notama sanjarenja .Na ukus i boje .Na tihe treptaje naseg srca koje nam sapuce sitne zelje i velike snove.A ovo je ono sto mene trenutno privlaci i inspirise me :-) Inspiration is all around.I am too busy for taking photos of some my creation but I will show you some my latest projects soon.Until that time you only need to pay attention to llitle things around you. Now ,my focus is on all these colors and smells and taste ...on all moments that I spend with my friends and love ones.We all have some planes and wishies and it is good time to start them.

Funky Fabric Rainbows

I have been experimenting making funky fabric rainbows with all those lovely new fabrics - hoping to have some new rainbows ready for you guys soon!

London Calling

London Calling by ivanaacimic featuring silver handbags Stigla nam je jesen i oktobar je hrabro okupirao stranice kalendara a mi idalje krademo sunceve zrake kad god nam se za to ukaze prilika.Oktobar je lep jesenji mesec i donosi carolije suskanja sveze opalog lisca pod nogama ,donosi nam tako lepe tople boje od narandzaste do ,oker ,braon i crvenkastih nijansi.U oktobru je moj rodjendan tako da  kazem Big Like za oktobar.Opravdano je sopingovanje toplih i mekanih stvari ,u koje cemo se sa zadovoljstvom ususkati i polako pripremanje garderobera za slojevito oblacenje.A ova sezona nam  nudi meku i toplu vunu ,kardigane ,sljokice i perje ,karo dezene ,transparentne kosuljice, pa masne i neobilazne tufne i mnogo ideja za poigravanje i pronalazenje najbolje i najudobnije varijante . Tu su i boje poput Klajn plave,ljubicaste ,crvene ,zelene,senf boje . A mi danas idemo u London u zamisljenu setnju sa drugaricama i trazimo inspiraciju na ulicama ovog velikog grada. We   arri...