
Showing posts from July, 2011

The Rainbow Party!

The tissue paper pom poms! The rainbow jelly.....yum yum yum! The table of food : ) Some rainbow yummyness and some pretty little pots. LOTS of children having LOTS of fun! The birthday girl blowing out her candles ♥ The amazing RAINBOW CAKE!!!!!! It even tasted good : ) The party bags. It was a lovely party, I love rainbows, my daughter loves rainbows and we certainly gave everyone that came a good dose of rainbows too!!

Rainbow Birthday Girl!

Rainbow Birthday Girl! , a photo by therainbowroom on Flickr. It's my babies birthday, she is my little rainbow : )

Nature Net News Flash Summer 2011

Dear Parents, We hope you've been having a fun and safe summer full of nature adventures. In case you're running out of ways to keep your kids occupied this summer, never fear - Nature Net News Flash is here! With fun activities, programs and events, you can keep the outdoor fun going all summer long. Enjoy!  Nature Passport: Nature Passport is an at-your-leisure program geared toward family learning and discovery at over a dozen nature centers and museums throughout the area. Available free online , at Nature Net sites, and throughout the community, Nature Passport leads young explorers on adventures in the wild. Use the clues offered by Ringo Raccoon to get movin', find area mysteries and other exciting bits of nature.   Pick up your free Passports at any Nature Net site or order online . Don't forget your friends and neighbors -- get Passports for everyone! Summer History Break: Take a break and learn some history at ...

Nature Net News Blast Summer 2011

Sign up to receive Nature Net News  in your inbox! See the original newsletter at     Dear Teachers, Summer is in full swing! Hopefully you are finding time to relax and have fun. As you gear up for the school year, take a look at these resources, workshop opportunities and some new ideas for integrating nature into your classroom this fall. This Nature Net News Blast has it all! Teacher Workshops: Summ er Workshops Are Here! Check out this and other upcoming programs for educators: Growing Minds: Garden-Based Learning from the Ground Up : July 25-29, 2011 – Community GroundWorks, Troy Gardens, Madison, WI This 5-day, 20-hour course is designed for K-12 teachers and community educators interested in building their skills in youth garden education, development, and management. This course will emphasize an inquiry-based, hands-on approach to garden-focused learning. Course topics in...

Raindrops Keep Falling on My Head Lyrics

Raindrops keep fallin' on my head And just like the guy whose feet are too big for his bed Nothin' seems to fit Those raindrops are fallin' on my head, they keep fallin' So I just did me some talkin' to the sun And I said I didn't like the way he got things done Sleepin' on the job Those raindrops are fallin' on my head, they keep fallin' But there's one thing I know The blues they send to meet me won't defeat me It won't be long till happiness steps up to greet me Raindrops keep fallin' on my head But that doesn't mean my eyes will soon be turnin' red Cryin's not for me 'Cause I'm never gonna stop the rain by complainin' Because I'm free Nothin's worryin' me [trumpet] It won't be long till happiness steps up to greet me Raindrops keep fallin' on my head But that doesn't mean my eyes will soon be turnin' red Cryin's not for me 'Cause I'm never gonna stop the rain by compl...

Nature Net News - July 2011 - Buzzing Bees

Nature Net News Your source for tips & tricks for exploring nature with your kids Dear Reader, What's the buzz about bees? "How doth the little busy Bee Improve each shining Hour, And gather Honey all the day From every opening Flower!" "Against Idleness And Mischief"  by Isaac Watts Plenty! Bees are busy pollinators, and their pollination helps produce over one-third of the human diet! That's not even including the delicious honey in everything from our morning tea to our lip balm. However, bees are often vilified due to the little stinger that they use for defense, in addition to their aggressive relatives, including the wasp, which patterns itself after the bee. Some bees, such as the bumblebee, sting very rarely and are quite mild. These buzzing beauties are in danger due to many modern factors, including pesticides (they don't distinguish between bugs), climate change (seasonal changes are affecting the synchronization of flower openings and bee...

Nature Net News - June 2011 - Pond Life

Nature Net News Your source for tips & tricks for exploring nature with your kids Dear Reader, "I wish I were a muskrat, eye deep in the marsh." Aldo Leopold The croaking of the peepers is one of the first signs that summer is on its way and new life is teeming in a wetland nearby. From skating water bugs to baby bullheads waving tentacles in a friendly hello, the pond is one of the epicenters of life during early summer.  Did you ever go to your local pond to dip a fishing net (or a parent's really expensive butterfly net) into the waters, and pull out a netful of life? Did you ever catch and raise tadpoles, watching in amazement as limbs sprouted, and letting the little frogs hop off your hand deep into the pond from whence they came? Did you ever slip off your shoes and dig your toes into the marshy ooze? 'Tis the season for pond dipping, and that's just what this episode of Nature Net News is all about. Read how to collect and identify what you find, get ...

Sikap Cewe yang Kerap Membuat Cowo Sebal

Kali ini saya akan membahas tentang sikap cewe yang kerap membuat cowo sebal.. hayoo kira-kira apa yaa?? dibawah ini ada beberapa poin yang saya coba rangkum dari berbagai sumber. Hmm, mari kita ulas bersama :) 1. Terlalu Memikirkan Kecantikan Fisik Tak jarang cewe kerap memikirkan keindahan tubuhnya. Sebenarnya sih bagus, tapi kadang cowo juga suka jengkel. Misal lontaran pertanyaan seperti "Aku gemuk ga sih?" , "Pipi aku bulet ya?" , "Aku ga mau makan ah, lagi diet..kata kamu aku makan ga ya?", "Aku tambah putih apa tambah item?"..Nah lho kadang pertanyaan  kayak gitu bikin cowo jadi bingung jawabnya, dijawab "iya" salah terus ngambek, dijawab "engga" dibilangnya bohong. Nah makanya kadang cowo jadi jengkel.  2. Hobi Dandan dan Dandan Terlalu Lama Kalau ada acara tertentu atau sekedar hang out kadang cewe terlalu serius dandan alias laaaaamaaa banget dandannya. Wajar sih kalau cewe pengen tampil cantik dan memukau, tapi k...

the most beatiful beaches and my favorite dresses

Mnogo volim leto ,pesak ,more i plaze a ovo je moj izbor najlepsih svetksih plaza..mmm kako vam se cine ? A leto je nezaobilazno bez haljina ? One su kao zenina druga koza ,meke ,svilene ,prozracne ,duge ,kratke ,lagane...najbolje prijateljice sa sesirima ,narukvicama i sandalama :-) I  like very much   summer , sand,   sea and   beach   and this is my   choice of   beautiful  beaches    ..   mmm   how do you   like ? A   summer   dress   is   a must   not ?   They are like the   woman's   second skin , soft , silky , breathable , long , short , light   ...   best friends   with hats ,   bracelets   and sandals   :-)