
Showing posts from February, 2011

Celebrate Aldo Leopold This Week!

Nature Net members are hosting several events this week in celebration of Wisconsin's premier conservationist, Aldo Leopold.  Green Fire Those of you anxiously awaiting the release of the Aldo Leopold Foundation 's Green Fire: Aldo Leopold and a Land Ethic for Our Time will be excited to learn about screenings at two Madison locations this week. The film, which has been premiering around the country and the world for the past month, is making its way to the Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery on Friday, March 4 and the Barrymore Theater on Sunday, March 6! First Madison Show DATE: Friday, March 4, 2011 TIME: 7pm, with a reception following the film LOCATION: Wisconsin Institutes for Discovery Town Center ADDRESS: 1300 University Ave., Madison, Wisconsin TICKETS: Available through Brown Paper Tickets , $8 advance/$10 at the door MORE INFORMATION: Second Madison Show DATE: Sunday, March 6, 2011 TIME: 7pm, with a reception following the fil

Some inspiration for spring _ summer 011

Zatrpani snegom i zimom svi idalje zeljno ocekujemo suncane i tople dane i prolece . Smisljamo kako da se otarasimo svih slojeva garderobe i poput cveca procevtamo i mi.Uveliko se desavaju fashion week-ovi  a veliki broj je vec iza nas na kojima nam se predstavljaju nove kolekcije i trendovi.Najbitnija stvar je da pronadjemo nasu interpretaciju onoga sto nam se dopada i da uzivamo noseci odabrane komade.Izdvojila sam neke slike koje su mi se dopale kao i neobicne sandale i male torbe. Predstavljam vam orijent u kolekciji LV pod palicom Marc Jacobsa. Ekskluzivni dekor 70-tih godina uparen je sa zaslepljujucim bojama i sjajnim teksturama odece ,make up-a i frizura .Sam Marc Jacobs je obrazlozio da su ovom kolekcijom od samog njenog pocetka zeleli da isijavaju glamur i sjaj i uporedio je kolekciju sa osveteljnjem Ajfelovog tornja.Dominantan je ruz boje visnje i male torbe koje su tako In  ove prolecno-letnje sezone.Fotografije za kampanju je radio Stiven Meisel.Pogledjate i nadjite svoju

REMINDER: Nature Net Photo Contest!

Calling all photogs and shutter bugs! Send us pictures of your family or students enjoying nature, and you may win a Nature Net prize package. * Submit digital images (5MB or less) to info[at]naturenet[dot]com . Include names and ages of photo subjects along with a brief caption. Submissions must be received by February 28, 2011. [*Winner will be selected by Nature Net staff. All photos become property of Nature Net and may appear on Nature Net websites, newsletters or other promotional materials.]

New Hair style New COLORS

Kada razmisljam o fizickim promenama prva koja mi pada na pamet je svakako eksperimentisanje sa frizurom .Kosa je tako pogodan materijal da se sa njim igramo i da menjamo njenu duzinu ,oblik, boju .. A na raspolaganju nam je velika paleta i veliki broj mogucnosti jer kosa nam dopusta da se sa njom poigravamo i da je menjamo i na njoj ucimo.Nijedna promena ne mora biti trajna ,pa cak i kada nam se nas "eksperiment " ne dopada kosa ce nam porasti i uvek je mozemo ponovo obojiti nekom drugom bojom.Retko koja zena kada zeli da pocne novu stranu u svom zivotu ili da napravi neku malu ali efektnu promenu zaobilazi svoju kosu i frizuru..Nekako je ona uvek prva stepenica koja nas vodi u "novi"zivot i pomaze nam da napravimo prve promene i odbacimo stres.Najbitnija stvar kada je kosa u pitanju je da ona bude negovana i to ne samo pred izlazak vec svakodnevno.Kosa je i ogledalo naseg zdravlja i efektno upotpunjava nas stil.Veoma bitno je da budemo opusteni i raspolozeni da pr

Penjelasan Susu Berbakteri E. Sakazakii

Assalamualaikum.. Hai semua :) cukup lama saya tidak membuat post baru. Akhir-akhir ini sering kita mendengar kasus yang dibesar-besarkan oleh media massa di Indonesia mengenai Bakteri Enterobacter Sakazakii yang terkandung dalam susu formula. Beritanya sungguh simpang siur dan sempat meresahkan masyarakat. Lebih-lebih kasus ini cukup menyudutkan IPB sebagai pihak yang melakukan riset tersebut dan banyak pihak yang tak tahu duduk perkara meminta IPB mengumumkan merek-merek susu apa saja yang tercemar bakteri tersebut.  Hal yang saya ketahui adalah bahwa penelitian yang dilakukan oleh Sri Estuningsih merupakan penelitian doktoral saat mengambil Biologi dan Patologi di Justus Liebig Universitat, Gieben, Jerman. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari penyebab diare pada bayi dengan fokus pada bakteri Salmonella, Shigella, dan E. Coli dan ternyata penelitian ini justru menemukan bakteri lain yang terkandung dalam susu formula (dalam sampel penelitiannya) yaitu E. Sakazakii . Penelitian

Nature Journaling and Phenology

   A spring hickory bud at the Aldo Leopold Nature Center .  Spring is on its way, and now is the time of year to start up  nature journals with your family or students. It's also a perfect time introduce them to phenology! Phenology, derived from the Greek word phaino , meaning "to show or appear,"  is literally " the science of appearance ." It is a segment of ecology focused on the study of periodic plant and animal lifecycle events related to climate and seasonal changes. Although these natural observations can be done year-round, spring is a great time to get started by recording all the "firsts" you see. From noting the first bud on a tree to spotting the first robin in your yard, observing and recording these events can be the beginning of a life-long relationship with nature. You can record observations from your classroom or family in a yearly journal, and use these to compare notes from the past or make predictions about what will happ