Busy Days

I just popped into town this morning to go to the lovely fabric shop for a few supplies and look what I saw!!!! the most fantastic RAINBOW tent in the world!!!!!!!!!! I had a 'happy attack' and felt rather strange for an hour or so : ) It's part of a funky little festival that is going on this weekend in Mach - which if I wasn't so busy I would have loved to go to. Maybe tomorrow?

This was a huge piece of rainbow felting I have been working on today, so big I had to move onto the floor - I need a 2 metre table I think! I have also been making some more bits of plain coloured felt for some other projects - and wow.... I have had a serious felty workout today!

Look at the FAB puzzle Rio came back with - how retro.... I love it, plus it was from an attic sale so a bargain for £2 and it was handmade locally too - what a find.

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