Serendipitys Circles

I am back in 'The Rainbow Room' after a weekend away. We had a glorious weekend, the sun was shining we spent time with friends and family....and I had my 100th sale on ETSY!!! It was quite hard without the net, I only had access on my phone which limits what you can do really.
100 sales though, I am seriously happy - thanks ♥

I wanted to make some more swirly felt beads, so I thought I would go for some rainbow ones, this is the fluff all laid out ready. I did start to wonder when I was rolling them if they would come out as expected, my instinst was correct - no swirls...but fantastic circles - I love the serendipity of felting : )

I have started experimenting with these already, they remind me of some work I did inspired by one of my favourite artists Hundertwasser .
While I was still feeling colourful from the weekends sunshine, I put together this CIC team treasury on Etsy.

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