
Showing posts from March, 2009

Felted Flower Head Dress

The last few days have been a bit different, I have actually been out socialising, playing pool, seeing a band, seeing friends and a having a little tipple! Which has been lovely it's not often we get out these days! In between all that I have been making this felted flower hair band for a birthday present. I felted the hairband in a blend of greens, then threaded elastic through it. The flower was made with a combination of wet and needle felting and has a few interesting fibres thrown in too. I finished it all off with a big felt bead, decorated with some seed beads. Here it is on the birthday girl herself!

Spring rainbows

Been having some gorgeous spring rainbows over the last few days! I managed to capture this one before it disappeared! : ) Feeling inspired by spring colours I put this new selection together for my Etsy shop, and yes I called it "Spring Rainbow"


I have started working on a new hand stitched illustration for a thank you card. It's going to be a crazy, doodle like picture with lots of patterns and colour. I imagine it will take me quite a long time to finish as I want to put lots of detail in it. As usual I havn't really planned the design just done a very rough sketch of bits, and a few doodles of the patterns I want to put in it.

...cOloUrFul... sPriNgTimE....

I had to do a treasury today, it's a bit of an addiction! this one is called 'colourful springtime' I love the spring so much, I love how colour starts appearing everywhere! Beautiful flowers, spring leaves and it's just such a long time till winter : ) I have also started working on another felt illustration, this one is a design for a thank you card, hopefully I might have a photo tomorrow of the beginnings of some more crazy colourful creations!

Mothers Day

It was Mothers day here in the UK yesterday : ) We had a lovely family day out in Aberystwyth, the sun was shining and we walked along the prom, played on the beach and enjoyed a gorgeous Greek lunch. My little girl was a total sweetie all day. I missed my mum loads though, but am so glad she taught me to celebrate special days!

The sun has got his hat on hip hip hip hooray!!!!!!!!!!!

Well I am nearly better.... and the sun has been shining on me all week, and boy it makes the biggest difference! I am hoping to get some work done tonight at last! Getting back in the swing of things so I made a treasury on Etsy today. It's called spring in the forest. Not quite as colourful as usual I was trying to tone my treasuries down a little with the hope of getting a front page....sods law all the front pages have been ssooooo colourful today!

poorly sick : (

I think I managed to catch some bad germs from my daughter : ( Which is why it's been ssssssssssssssooooooo quiet around here!!!! I have been feeling totally awful and have not been able to do anything artistic in the slightest for a week now, thats ages! I hope to be back on form soon, hope you didn't miss me too much ; )

Love Labelling

My little girl has been a bit poorly over the last few days : ( So unfortunately I have not been able to get much done, I managed to label my latest batch of felted soaps today though. I love this job, matching the raffia and labels to the colour of the soaps they do look so great altogether like this!

...great on green OK..

...great on green OK..

One of my favourite Etsy shops is the very colourful and fantastic rosieok , so I was super chuffed when she made a purchase from my shop : ) In honour of her funky use of colour I made this treasury today! Rosie is a fantastic artist from Australia who has a couple of etsy shops, one selling amazing crochet/amigurumi toys and patterns too. Her other shop wearablesok has her accessories, supplies and amazing handspun yarn. I love the backgrounds she uses for her lovely toys. The funky landscape is similar to the ideas I have been sketching for another felt illustration. Similar to my Christmas card design but based on the view from my kitchen window. But without the grey and with alot more colour!


I have been really busy this week - and I LOVE IT : ) My Etsy shop has been busy, I have been busy felting new soaps, putting together merino feltmaking mixes and I made this bracelet with my radial rainbow beads!! I love these colour wheels on the CIC team blog and today my 'Felted Soap' is featured in one : )

Serendipitys Circles

I am back in 'The Rainbow Room' after a weekend away. We had a glorious weekend, the sun was shining we spent time with friends and family....and I had my 100th sale on ETSY!!! It was quite hard without the net, I only had access on my phone which limits what you can do really. 100 sales though, I am seriously happy - thanks ♥ I wanted to make some more swirly felt beads, so I thought I would go for some rainbow ones, this is the fluff all laid out ready. I did start to wonder when I was rolling them if they would come out as expected, my instinst was correct - no swirls...but fantastic circles - I love the serendipity of felting : ) I have started experimenting with these already, they remind me of some work I did inspired by one of my favourite artists Hundertwasser . While I was still feeling colourful from the weekends sunshine, I put together this CIC team treasury on Etsy.