New Years Resolutions & Surprises

One of my new years resolutions was to do some sorting/decluttering everyday, I don't have too much stuff really but i do tend to keep things for "when i might need them". Also since my Mum passed away i have a serious amount of her stuff to try and sort through. So i am getting into practice sorting my stuff. I thought i would start with my college & uni work which I really don't need but its very hard to get rid of when i spent serious hours doing and serious money mounting everything on mount board and presenting in A1 plastic wallets!
Even though this work is from 12 years ago - you can still see the rainbow love ♥ and i havn't thrown it all out i couldn't, just minimised it slightly!
I was TOTALLY amazed to find this piece of felt......
I really thought i had never made felt... never even heard of feltmaking before... and was even shocked after doing a degree in textile design no one had ever told me about feltmaking. Well i stand corrected... here it is the evidence.. and looking at it now i can vaguely remember making it when I was about 17 on my BTEC National Diploma in Art & Design. Either it was the lack of brightly coloured fluff or some other important thing on my mind like boys, ciggie breaks or nights out.. who knows....
It probably just wasn't the right time in my life for feltmaking!

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