Man Flu

Today i have been running around trying to get organised for a trip to visit friends, washing, cooking, wrapping pressies, making birthday cards, looking after kids, sorting out my etsy shop etc etc my boyfriend seems to have developed man flu oh dear.. what a day.
This is one of the cards i have made, sometimes i wish i could just go to the shop like normal people, but no, i have to have these crazy ideas and i try to fend them off, but they just won't go away!!!!!!! But it looks fab and Vinny will love it too, i am toying with the idea of making these to order - personalized cards, will need to make them a bit quicker this took me an hour!
I have also made this hibicus flower brooch for a card for my friend, it looks amazing in real life this photo does not do it justice! this all came about after i found the hoody i had been coveting for a few months in the SALE- whoooppeeee so i set about making a brooch/hair clip to go with it.
Here it is my gorgeous new hoody with its felt/wet felted/needle felted hibiscus pin. I used black craft felt and wet felted this jade merino with a few angelina fibres for sparkle, cut out the petals then needle felted them to the felt and added a few beads. It really looks stunning but its quite big hope i am brave enough to wear it this weekend!

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