Shops & Peacocks!

Back from my trip to civilisation, and it was not too bad after all! I managed to slip in an inspiring wander around Selfridges and a little shopping trip to Hobbycraft.

Above my purchases from Hobbycraft, and below my new big rainbow stash of felt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (not from Hobbycraft...hahaha!!!!)

So I have been busy working on some 'peacock feather' hair slides, i had made one prototype that my daughter and I have been sharing, and i managed to make a start on a batch of them. Its great to get the time and space to sit down and cut out loads of felt & experiment with different colourways.

An evenings cutting out and arranging, ready for stiches and beads and sequins........

I even managed to start sewing some of them while i was on the train home, and i love how they are coming together. I have made each one different and have been using different colour threads and beads. I can't wait till they are all finished so i can get some great photos of them.
Its great now i am actually giving myself more time to do my art work, i am full of ideas. I have got so many things i want to make, and also some large art pieces to develop. I am also glad my inner colour radar is still working, walking around the shops in Birmingham I could see everywhere colours and design themes that i have been using. I always seem to have had this forsight or maybe its just luck!

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