Earth Day Bouquet
It's that time of year again! Every year around Earth Day (April 22), environmental organizations, nature centers, zoos, and just about everyone else are offering events and programs to celebrate the Earth. It's almost as if there are too many to choose! But what a wonderful problem to have - especially when you can visit Nature Net's Earth Day Bouquet and find them listed all in one place! Sorted by date, each listing provides information you'll need to decide which local events are best for your family. You can find activities and programs going on every day between April 14-29. In celebration of Earth Day , National Environmental Education Week , and the spring season, Earth Day Bouquet offers your family a variety of opportunities to enjoy the outdoors, get involved in your local and natural community, and become motivated to make a difference in the health and sustainability of the environment. Here are a few examples: Troy Gardens/Community GroundWorks Get to Kn...