
Showing posts from September, 2010

Hanging Rainbow Hearts

I have been cutting out LOADS of hearts!!!! It all started the other day when my friend caught me in a strange trance staring at her daughters bracelet. It was made from a rainbow of coloured plastic heart beads and I was totally lost in it my way of taking inspiration. I did a few experiments until I was happy with the design and colours, and now these rainbow strings are available in my online shops. They look so cheerful hanging in the window grouped together, brightening up the cold autumn days bbbrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

Crafty Chaos

The 'Crafty Chaos' has officially begun!!! I am so busy building up stock for my Etsy and Folksy shops, preparing for Aberystwyth Winter Craft & Gift Fair and working on lots of new products too! That thingymas creeps up so quickly ; )

Back to the Island

We had an amazing break in Ibiza! Lots of fun, sun and sea : ) I am now recharged and ready for the Christmas rush..I hope!