
Showing posts from July, 2010

Birthday Preparations

It's nearly my daughters birthday, so lots of crafty preparations to finish ; ) I spent hours sewing lots of beads and sequins to a felt No.5 to make her card - and well its all quite purple as that is favourite and best colour! I am also under instruction to make her some special bunting for her bedroom. Lets hope the sun comes out for a little bit on her birthday as this Welsh summer is a bit WET!

Rainy Days & Mobiles

I have had plenty of inspiration over the last few weeks for this custom mobile! It is a plush Rainbow, with cuddly clouds and cute little felt raindrops. It took a while to get the design right but I am so happy with how it looks and I hope to add these to my collection later this year. Thanks to everyone who entered my guest giveaway over on the Gorjuss Blog , it was lovely to read all your kind comments, the lucky winners prizes are now on their way!

Gorjuss Guest Giveaway

I am so totally chuffed to be the guest giveawayer on the Gorjuss blog this weekend : ) If you fancy a chance a winning one of my funky felt Rainbow brooches and a Claraluna Cloud brooch too head on over and have a peek!! Gorjuss is one of my all time favourite Etsy shops I just love Suzannes work!!! It may not come as a surpise that this is my favourite 'gorjuss girl' And I just totally fell in love with this original ♥♥♥ I bet you will find your own "Gorjuss Girl" too : )

Woody - The best dog in the World!

I lost my beautiful dog yesterday : ( He had been with us for 6 1/2 years since we found him wandering the Welsh countryside. He was such a loving, fun, affectionate, handsome, slightly crazy, adventurous......oh the list goes on I don't think any other dog could come close!! We spent his last day all together - our family - lying in the garden sharing " Woody Adventures" I hope he is at peace now.