
Showing posts from January, 2010

Etsy Front Page 1/18/10

Etsy Front Page 1/18/10 DiamondDollsCouture Originally uploaded by Etsy Front Pagers Yay!!! I just found a screenshot of the moment my felted soap was on the front page of Etsy. Hooray for the etsyfront page group on flickr ; )

Lots of Love and Hearts!

Well I am feeling the Love...Valentines is on its way and i am busy working on some new LARGE hangings...WooHooo!! It feels great to be making BIG and the photo shows the crazy felting work in progress! On with the love... my heart felted soap was on the front page of Etsy yesterday...unfortunately i missed it, but wow i was so excited to find out about it from the great craftcult. I have a few ex-display felted soaps on SALE in the old etsy shop, they are just not quite perfect enough for full price but great if you want to try felted soap and like a bargain : )

Footprints in the Snow!

I have been enjoying the recent snowfall, I have not seen snow like this since I was a kid. It's great to see the mountains covered and the world look so bright and clean. Today I actually ventured out for a walk and I was just totally amazed by my fantastic footprints!

Fluff and Fires

Today has been one of those days when even looking out the window made me shiver.. bbbrrrrr. I decided to stay safe in front of my stove and work on this new felting mix 'Mother Nature' So due to many requests a *NEW* colour pack inspired by nature.

Good News

Remember this? Wonderwool Wales 2009 - my highlights. Well I got some great news in the post this morning.... I have a stand at Wonderwool Wales 2010 I am so very excited about this : ) I have been visiting this show for the last few years, so it's great to be a bigger part of it this year. It is definately going to mean lots of hard work and prepartion, but I am hoping it will give me the chance to work on some large pieces and also some kits that have been lurking on my 'to do' list forever!! What a fab start to 2010!