
Showing posts from November, 2009

ooohhhh....New Rainbow

I was super happy when one of my lovely customers asked if i could make her a larger plush guessed it's been on my 'to do' list and I just needed that little nudge in the right direction : ) I set about making this in record time, I couldn't put it down. I know the photos are bit grey but whew its been so miserable here for ages! I can't wait to make some more of these cushion sized rainbows for my shop...oh and maybe for myself...but after Christmas as I am rushed of my freezing cold little feet at the mo : )


Been waiting to show you the FAB card I got from Storeyshop for my friends birthday *happy birthday Kate!* Helen of Storeyshop lives in the UK and makes the most amazing cards. Aswell as being very talented she is very helpful too! Following the purple theme I made a felted bead necklace with lots of lovely merino wool & silk with added sparkles too. It's great to make special presents for friends : )

It's been a while!

Where have I been hiding?? I have got so RUBBISH at blogging!! Sorry folks I think it must be the affects of winter taking their toll on me, i shall blame winter as I like to balme it for everything. The good news is I have spread my wings and opened a shop over on Folksy too. Which is fab for all you folks who like to shop in good old British £'s. More good news - I also had my 1000th ♥ on Etsy *waving at Anna of RiverbedDesigns in New Zealand. She has a little pressie winging it's way to her as we speak! So I will try to be better at blogging - speak soon : )

Outdoor Education

So today was Oudoor Education day..... still undecided on the school issue, so my 4 year old is staying with me, for now anyway. So off we went with the local group of home schoolers to Gilfach Nature Reserve . And what a lovely day, we had a lovely walk and saw the Salmon trying there best to get up the's such an amazing sight. My daughter loves fish and wanted to catch them all for tea...bless. After lunch she did some painting and played under a huge Beech tree, while I got seriously absorbed with some willow. When I was young I made some baskets using a plastic weaving kit, but hey the real thing!! I have always wanted to have a go and have made the start of a wreath, which will be decorated with the Beech nuts we collected, and my little fishy who needs a home hanging somewhere special I think. Happy days : )

Sooooo Excited!!!

I am so very excited today... you probably noticed as i am blogging at 10am : ) My Rainbow Gadget Cozy is in an Etsy gift guide ..... this is so exciting as it's my first one. So even though I woke up and there was no water coming out of the tap, I went to the post office and the computer was broken, and it's Monday.....I am still so so very happy..HOORAY!