
Showing posts from October, 2009

Autumn - Love It or Hate It

Autumn? I really can't work out it I love it or hate it....... I love all the amazing colours and the fact we can wear our funky boots, nice hats and comfy jumpers. It is just such a long time till summer again and that is the worst bit about it for me. My daughter still enjoys playing outside and I find inspiration in the colours of the turning leaves and the bright berries, but oh I do long for the sun and the light nights!!

Aberystwyth Winter Craft & Gift Fair 2009

Well after months of preparation and 8 hours setting up my stand at Aberystwyth Winter Craft & Gift Fair 2009 is finally up!!! Hooraayyyy!!! It's been a long awaited day, marked on my calender with a rainbow and I feel so happy to have acheived this goal.......whilst also being a full time mum. So if you are anywhere near Aberystwyth get over to the Arts Centre and check out the fair which alongside my colourful collection is packed full of art, craft, gifts, jewellery, fashion and food too. It's also an amazing location with some funky architecture, fab sea views, a great cafe and loads of other stuff to do and see. One of my very favourite places locally to visit.

The Show Must Go On!

I have spent the last few days putting the finishing touches to a few items and labelling, labelling LABELLING! I now have 2 sleeps ( if I am lucky I will be sleeping) till the show goes up at Aberystwyth and although it has been an insane ammount of work I have really enjoyed getting it all together. I did have a bit of a *wobble* yesterday as a few things didn't go exactly how I planned them - being a bit of a control freak doesn't help! So to help me manage the *wobbles* I have set up a practice run. It's a bit of a dark photo...but I am so proud of how it all looks together : ) It will look even better on the glass shelves... just hope I can solve the display problem of the brooches and Christmas decorations before I go completely insane!

Danger - Artist at Work!

I have never been so busy - There really should be a warning sign at the door. DANGER - Artist at Work! Every chair, sofa, table is covered in felt, fluff, beads packaging's really quite exciting : ) I have been working from dawn till midnight since I came back from Ibiza. I wish I had a better photo of the creative chaos but the felting in progress above shows lots of lovely bits I am working on at the mo. Then there is all the new jewellery I am working on too.

Who Loves Holiday Photos?

I wanted to share a few of my favourite photos from our september trip to Ibiza : ) I just love looking at friends - well anyones photos................... so I thought I would share a few with you guys!!! I am kind to you eh? So if you made it this far : ) Thanks ♥

Welcome back!

Here I am back again - wow it's been a while! Just back from a trip to Ibiza - my favourite place : ) I took some work with me this time - well this big bag of rainbow fluff!! I did struggle a little with the work/holiday balance and felting seemed a bit harder in the Ibizian water but I managed to make all this and still have a super holiday. Not quite as much as I wanted to do, but Anthony had a slight relapse with his back so didn't get as much child free time as I needed. Really busy now getting stock ready for Aberystwyth Art Fair but will try to stay in touch a bit more often : )