
Showing posts from July, 2009

Keep Rolling Rolling Rolling

This photo looks a bit like a 3 Dimensional colour wheel : ) It is in fact a little bit of 3D felting I have been doing today. I wanted to make some smaller - more affordable felted vessels, so out came the rainbow of fluff and a handy shaped candle and a lot of rolling and rubbing later I had these 2 beauties! They are drying in the window around glasses to help hold the shape.

Rainbow Princess

Just a quick peep at my 'Rainbow Princess' enjoying her birthday today : )

Happy Birthday Baby

WOW! My gorgeous little baby is going to be 4!!! I have been so busy the last week cleaning, cooking, making and just generally being a domestic goddess - if I do say so myself : ) : ) getting ready for her to have a *few* friends round!!! So excited about her birthday I bought her the most amazing tutu off Etsy! I have included it in this treasury I made today in honour of her birthday!

Nuno Felting

Nuno felting has been something I have wanted to try since I saw a demonstration at Moral Fibre over a year ago. So I purchased some rather gorgeous oceanic organza from my local fabric shop and today I had some time to try it out. The fabric inspired me to do something sea like, I was thinking of a mermaids scarf. So out came the jade green, turquoise and blue merino wool and shades of bright pink too. All made shimmery like the ocean in the sunshine with angelina fibres, tussah silk, sari silk thread and a few more bits and bobs!! It was very hard work and a lot of rubbing and rolling, next time I will use a less densely woven fabric!! BUT so happy with the result : )

Deep, Deep, Down the Mine.

I have been on a little adventure today down some old slate mines in Corris. Our friend works at a local outdoor education centre and he volunteered to take us down on his day off - bless! So here we all are ready to go. I wasn't quite expecting ropes and all that technical stuff. I thought we were just going for a leisurely walk around the old quarry!!! OH NO! It was amazing we clambered up, and down, through tunnels, and abseiled, and wadded through streams inside the mines. What a great way to spend an afternoon off, although I am sooooooooo knackered now!

Ultraviolet Therapy

As I mentioned in my last post I have been working on lots of new ideas. I am really am excited about how my work is developing. I can't wait to show you some more funky goodies when they are finished, but for now here is some 'Ultraviolet Therapy' from a piece of felt I have been making today.

oooohhh New Rainbows!!

I love it when I get time to work on new goodies - things that have been on my 'to do' list forever! Today I grasped the opportunity to work on some ideas that have been floating around in my rainbow brain and bring them to felty life! I have been working on two different felt cuffs and an I Pod case. I also managed to incorporate some funky buttons which have been waiting patiently for me in a funky jar! Also one of my little fimo rainbow buttons, which I made as a signature piece quite a while back. I have definitely been following the black and rainbow theme today, and I am ssooooooo happy with the way it has all come together : )

Cemmaes Rainbow

Living in rainy Wales does get me down sometimes, I love the sun so much. BUT You can't have a rainbow without the rain!

Rainbow Butterfly

My little girl and I had a lovely day out together today at the International Eisteddfod in Llangollen. We saw some amazing singing, dancing, storytelling and a puppet show. She did lots of art & craft and even held an owl! My highlight was her beautiful rainbow butterfly painted face, she looked so fantastic and got so many compliments!

Sorry For Neglecting You

I have been totally rubbish at blogging since coming back from my holiday! SORRY!!!!