
Showing posts from May, 2009

Oh we're Going to Ibiza

Those of you who follow me on Twitter will know I am off to Ibiza and I have been sharing my Ibiza top 10. I love Ibiza and just wanted to let everyone know there is more to it than British lager louts and clubbing. This will be our 4th time in Ibiza and when we tell people where we are going we often get a kind of... oh Ibiza ( why on earth would you want to go there ) reaction. Well these are some of the highlights from our trip last year, I hope it helps you to see Ibiza in a different light! So....... will be away for a while, I hope to *be in touch* my Etsy shop will be closed so if you can't wait 3 weeks get over there now : ) ♥ Hasta Luego ♥

Claraluna Is Going On Holiday!

Been feeling on the borderline of working and getting ready for my holiday today!! I found the perfect solution in the form of an Etsy treasury . So I got my suitcase from normandiewilson and packed it full of goodies from Etsy : ) I did do a little work too.... this funky bracelet is called 'Disco Balls' and is made with handfelted beads made with black merino wool and lots of added extras!


I just love the magic of felting! You can take an interesting pile of fluff like this, and with a bit of work and a lot of love you can turn it into something totally beautiful like this. I have been wanting to make something with this blue/violet colour for ages. I am so pleased with these felted beads, I made them with merino wool with lots of lovely bits and pieces added. Angelina fibre, silk fibres, sari silk, polyester nepps and tiny bits of coloured felt. I have been making lots of beads with added sparkle and texture - love it!


I been singing rainbows, singing rainbow too and all that etc etc I just managed to grab a treasury today - yeah! And using Etsy's new search tools found some more expensive rainbow items.... mmmmmm lovely It's been a good day here, it even stopped raining - WOW We had a lovely walk and my daughter and her friends all ended up naked swimming in a huge puddle in a field : ) Should have joined in really!!

Catch a baby Rainbow & put it in your pocket!

I am getting there with my new range of rainbows, here is 'Pocket Rainbow', a little baby rainbow who needs lots of cuddles! He is so dinky and cute I am really happy with the final product : ) I love the layers of colour highlighted with the gold thread, and I made him a cute little tag too! I just need to work on his bigger friends now - between all the other crazy design ideas running around in my head!

I ♥ Feltmaking

I went on a crazy felting mission the other evening. I had been pondering making a belt (for myself) for a while and had a few design ideas. I was planning on making a few test pieces, but no at 10.30pm I decided to just go for it and spent a really enjoyable evening adding all kinds of exciting bits and pieces to some jet black merino wool! It seems to have worked and is looking pretty cool, I can't decide whether to add some embroidery/applique to it - maybe some beads and sequins. And I have to find a buckle for it, that is proving more difficult than I imagined

Matryoshka Madness

Don't you just love Matryoshka's??? And just look at this small selection of the great Matryoshka items on Etsy!! I made this treasury on Etsy today and I am so tempted by some of the cute items : ) My little girl has a gorgeous Matryoshka that her Grandpa bought her back from Russia, she loves playing with it. I wonder what she would think of these giant dolls on the London eye!

'Rainbow Magic'

Been busing creating some magical plush key fob rainbows. I have been testing a few designs out for a while now and have decided on this one. It's so squishy I couldn't let mine go for a day - I literally carried it around like a 'comfort rainbow'

Pink & Pendants

I did a swap with another Etsy shop and look what I got in the post this morning ; ) A gorgeous rainbow pendant from SB Design , who specialize in fine silver and resin jewelry designs. They have so many lovely rainbow pendants I struggled to choose one! I have been wearing it today, to cheer up a very windy & cold wednesday!

Guess What I Have Been Making

Something I have wanted to do for a while, and thanks to all your lovely comments I made another one for you! 'Rainbow Bubbles' is now in my Etsy shop : ) This one is the same as the one I made as a present for myself, but a bit better. It has 35 big hand felted beads (yes I made them) and the lovely silver bead caps, tiny beads a nd glass cubes. I hope someone will love it as much as I love mine!! I have had a busy day - I actually got to work while it was still light which is a big treat. My little girl and her dad had a day out leaving me to my rainbow making!!

Summer Romance

Been perusing some colourful goodies on Etsy! I put them altogether in this collection I called 'Summer Romance' making a treasury is a really great way of finding some great work. This AMAZING quilt by Bethanystudios is right at the top of my shopping list! Talking about lists - I think I am obsessed with writing them. I need to stop making lists & treasuries for that matter and get on with some more work!!

ooohhhh New Rainbow Brooches

Super excited to have made these new 'Rainbow brooches' These are another of those things that have been a doodle in my sketch book and written on a long 'to do' list for what seems like FOREVER!! I will be making some plush keyrings and plush rainbows too in a similar style!! I love taking photos of my work, but always do it the same way. So I have been experimenting with some different photos to show off my products 'in situ' any constuctive criticism would be so welcome!


I have been making some more cards, for some reason I had this urge to make a felt question mark! It does look fab though. I think it just sums up how I have been feeling this last week, I have so much I WANT to do, so much I have GOT to do and then the usual just living life things. Sometimes it all just sends me into a muddle.

Felt Cards

I started making cards like this 60th one, with funky felt designs on a few years ago just for friends and family. I have always wanted to sell them but couldn't make them fast enough to sell them at an affordable price. I have been experimenting today with bondaweb, and have managed to make a super special felt card for a great price and list the first one in my Esy shop - its something I am really happy about : ) It's still a fab & unique card with a gorgeous felt design and my lovely gold stitching, just now people can afford it - HOORAY! I will be busy making lots more cards over the next week or 2!

Rainbow Plushies

I made this as a present for a friends baby and as a prototype too! Those of you who follow my blog know - I had a few technical issues with this and it nearly ended up in toy heaven! Luckily I didn't give up and managed to fix it with a bit of hand stitching and its new owner loves it! I am planning on making some more of these, but will do a bit of redesigning first!