
Showing posts from September, 2008

First Etsy Sale : )

I have had my first Etsy sale today and wow I was so excited ( i actually still am), and then i realised one of my little rainbows was off to New York! even more excited! I will be sending a little surprise for my first etsy customer.. for cheering me up on a very rainy day. I will fill the world with rainbows!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Handmade & Natural Soaps

I have been busy today cutting guest size soaps, making labels and labeling these lovely little bars of "Euphoria" soap. This is my favourite of the soaps i make, with a gorgeous blend of essential oils, extra shea butter and calendula petals, i can't get enough of the scent.. These will be making there way to a beautiful, local 5 star holiday cottage.

The Rainbow Room Collections

The Rainbow Room Collections Originally uploaded by therainbowroom A funky collaboration of rainbows, hearts, flowers and peacock feathers. I just love this photo I am using it on my promo stuff at the mo and my desktop! lots of my favourite things altogether makes me smile alot : ) : ) : ) : ) I am very inspired by lovely icons like hearts and stars and shapes from nature that i like to merge, mingle or stylize. I have started listing these guys on etsy too, i am so happy with the photography. Glad we invested in Nikon Crew lol! Must get back on track making more lovelys though, i am getting sidetracked with photos and Etsy, there is some totally fab stuff on there!

Fill your whole world with RAINBOWS!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rainbows, making rainbows, lots of rainbows................. lots of lovely rainbows. Finally got together some mini rainbow collection photos. Still got a few more to finish, but couldn't wait to take photos! Got a couple on ETSY too.


What an exiting day wooooooohoooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have actually done it opened my Etsy Shop. Its so exciting and quite obviously my first listing ever just had to be a rainbow. I chose a mini rainbow brooch from the batch i am making at the mo. I am so very happy about all this, after days of writing terms & conditions, researching postage, rearranging craft insurance, designing labels and business cards with my new etsy address on.... this feels so good. Here's to the new shop! Cheers : )

Sun & Soap

Not had much creative time this last week, still working on my batch of mini rainbows when i get a minute. I have been visiting my sister in Swansea and some good friends nearby and making the most of the SUN!!!!!!!!! I have 2 batches of soap curing at the mo, they should both be ready next week. I am looking forward to getting some of them felted with my new merino-silk blend... what a luxury wash that will be.

Fishy Felted Slippers

I am really happy to have finished my latest pair of felted slippers. These are the 4th pair i have made since doing a felted slipper course with local felt artist & textiles teacher Sue Terrey . The photos show a few different stages of the slipper making process, and the finished work of art - if i do say so myself! They were made as a birthday present for a fish mad 5 year old boy, Luke! ( i think he liked them : ) ) It was great to try and portray an illustrative ocean scene using wet felting techniques and then add a few little details using needle felting, i only snapped one needle! I also included some angelina fibres, some metallic nylony stuff (sure its got a posh name) and some curly Wednesleydale too! All good fun!!

Fluffy fluff fluff

I have been busy making a pair of felted slippers, here is a little sneaky peak at the fluffy stage. I can't show any more as they are a present and we wouldn't want anyone seeing them until they are all wrapped up in a pretty box! They do look very lovely! Bad news today, i didn't get in to the craft fair i had applied for : ( really shocked, but hey ho, onwards and upwards! So the plan now, is to get started on my etsy shop ooohhhh : )

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger!!!!

Well i have been doing some creative stuff over the last few days, although not as much as i would have liked. It really has been one of those weeks full of trials and tribulations... i won't go into detail or i would be breaking rule number one - don't moan too much! Anyway i have been "playing" with fimo again still trying to make a signature bead, i experimented with a rainbow in black, it looks great like this, but not too sure about the finished beads and buttons, will post some photos soon. And Woohoo MINI RAINBOWS!! I have started my batch of mini rainbows some will be hair slides and some brooches! I love making these, the first one i ever made was a birthday present for my daughter aaahhhhh.

Another one of those days!

It really has been one of those days, my partner's car flunked its MOT big time and my best friends baby has been having major surgery, and I mean really thats more than enough but no............its still raining! So my creativity is suffering. Now lets get positive, I'm trying, really trying oh dear, i will sleep on it!

Rain Rain go away......

Well it has to be said the rain is really getting to me now, i am in desperate need of some sunshine!!, and still waiting to hear about the craft fair! i picked up my box of goodies i sent with my application, only to be told i would have to wait till next week to find out. I also managed to get a dreadful virus on the computer, which is why I have not been updating my blog over the last few days and I have not got all my programs back on yet..oh dear... The weather has affected my mood alot and i havn't felt very creative, i made a card for a friend who has had a new baby, and am planning a batch of rainbows to brighten up my life! Plus looking for a way south to find some sun!