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Beauty and the beast

Today we are going to look for our inspiration in the past. In Vogue past precisely. Drew Barrymore  in her best fashion role on the cover of U.S. edition of the magazine "Vogue" in April 2005. year. Drew is on the cover posing with the lion, representing the fairy taile motive the story of "Beauty and the Beast." Behind the phenomenal leens of  Annie Leibovitz . The whole look and feel was responsible Codington Grace.  Tale is brought to life. Images taken by Annie Leibovitz  are stunning little works of art. Danas inspiraciju trazim u proslosti magazina "Vogue". I odusevljeno na svetlo dana iznosim editorijal uradjen za americko izdanje magazina za avgust 2005. godine. Bajka je ozivela, ispricana na raskosan modni nacin i fotografisana od strane cuvenog fotografa Ani Libovitc. Magija je rodjena. A Dru Barimor pozira u svojoj najboljoj modnoj ulozi na naslovnoj strani magazina i editorijalu pod nazivom " Lepotica i Zver". Kad...